Mar 29, 2009

Yummy Damper

I thought i would post a pic of what we normally eat here in the feral fairy house on a sunday night. This is a ymmo fruit damper cooked in our wood fired pizza oven. If you have ever thought of buying one DO IT. We not only have damper, we have pizzas, roast meat and veg, bread and anything else we can think of to cook in our oven. Sunday's we normally have pizzas but tonight we are having roast beef. I have also cooked a herb,garlic and parmesan damper and it was better than garlic bread done in the normal oven.
This one we slathered in butter and golden syrup and all the ffs love it so it doesn't last very long.
Still haven't got around to finishing the english rose quilt, but there is always tomorrow. Today we went to my parents new house and moved around the new furniture they bought and the king of the ffs and i were a wee bit tired when we got home, so not much but movie watching has gone on this afternoon. We tend to be very unmotivated on sundays, but i suppose that is the way it should be, with work looming the next day. Well caio for now until the morrow.

Mar 28, 2009

I Love Saturdays

Well today is saturday and my morning off. It was wonderful, I had coffee with Cookie and and then got the shopping done. The king of the ffs has gone to golf and we will get him after as they are having a bbq and we are going to stay, so that will be good not having to cook dinner. The ffs all 3 are watching a movie and not fighting for a change and the fairy house is peaceful. I might even get stuck into a new book i got out from the library. I got an email from nanna Cheryl today she hasn't been well and had to spend a few days in hospital, get better Cheryl. I am getting another child to look after tomorrow, my 16 year old cousin is gong to be staying with us for a week while her father goes into hospital, so i hope she behaves herself and doesn't cause me to much trouble.Nothing interseting has happened lately so nno news per say to speak of, but next week i hope things pick up a wee bit. well caio for now.

Mar 26, 2009

Grumpy Bum

Today i seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I am very grumpy and the kids are not listening to me, as the king calls me at the moment "the Brick Wall" because thats what i keep hitting my head against and when i talk to the ffs, it's like talking to a brick wall cause they don't listen either. I may just have to take a happy pill tonight and see how i go. I got absolutely no sewing done today but i did manage to get the sewing machine out of the car this arvo after last nights patchwork group session. Which i managed to get quite a bit accomplished so i am happy with myself for that. Tomorrow will be unproductive on the sewing front as i have ff#2s school assembly item in the morning, then i help with reading in her class after assembly and ff#1 will be getting a merit certificate as well. Then i have to go pay the bills and shop(who said mums don't do anything but have cups of coffee and watch the soapies.) Oh i remember it was the king of the feral fairies and now i know why i love saturday mornings with my BFF Cookie. NO KIDS, NO HUSBAND AND NO WORRIES. Just a pity it's not friday night at the pub instead lol. well the ferals have finished dinner and the tantrums have started again so i think i will go and scream by myself in the shower very loudly. ciao

Mar 25, 2009

English Rose

I finally pinned and started to quilt my English Rose lap quilt today. One down 3 to go, tonight is "Bitch & Stitch" so i am hoping to get most of it done and then i can get organised on the binding.
I have been very lazy today as well and started reading a new book by Stephanie Laurens i love historical romance and Clive Cussler adventure novels and Amanda Quick is my absolute fav with Stephanie Laurens a close second. I live my life with a very unromantic king of the feral fairies so my romance has to come from somewhere. Very sad but it's life.We are going to Perth in the second week of the school hols too, which i am counting down to. I can visit patchwork stores, home ware stores and get some new clothes and i can't wait. We live in a town 5 hours drive from the nearest city and 10 hours from Perth so it is not very often i get to spend money on things and that could be a good thing, and we are going to a wedding for ff#3s godfather Uncle Darrell and his gorgeous lady Christine, so we can't wait for that either only a couple of weeks to go yaahhh. so enough rambling for now ciao.

Mar 24, 2009

The Things Kids Say

This is a pic of FF#3 with her sweet face on, normally it is screwed up and giving me a mouthful of cheek. On Sunday we went to visit my parents and she got bitten by a mossie. Well she doesn't react well to mossie bites and hence her knee became a bit of a mess, so yesterday we put more antibiotics cream on the bite and she preceded to tell me that her leg was swallowed, she meant swollen but i laughed because the tone of her voice when she said it was hilarious. She then told everyone who would listen to her that her leg had been swallowed and we had to retell the tale of the swallowed leg. (sounds like a great Nancy Drew mystery to me). I must apologise to Lisa and Sarah of A spoonful of sugar to as the other day i put in their web address and i misspelled it, so sorry girls,if you want to visit their beautiful site just click on their name on my blog list. Thanks for the comment too, I was very excited to know that someone other than myself has read my ramblings, I hope i didn't bore you to much. Today i made some gorgeous passion fruit butter biscuits and they were delish. I would show you some pics but some very greedy goblins ate them all and only left the crumbs behind, so i will have to make some more and hide them. The extra Hooties that are living at our house will be leaving on Thursday to go to their new home at kindy and i can't wait as they have been very demanding,i even had to make a nest for them and they have been quiet since lunchtime and i hope they stay that way. So until the morrow i will say ciao for now.

Mar 23, 2009

the owls have landed

Well today i have spent the day making three more hooties with ff#3. She has asked for me to make some to take to kindy, so i made 3 more and she helped to stuff them. Which according to her is a really hard job making owls fat, but it was good to spend some time with her where she wasn't just asking for food or annoying me for the sake of being annoying. Tonight i have a night off from cooking which is great, the feral fairie family go to my mums house every monday night to have genuine authentic italian spaghetti (scicilian style) from my great grandfathers family recipe, so if you ask for it i will have to kill you straight afterwards as its a secret. But it is the best spaghetti you will ever taste and the heartburn afterwards can attest to the richness of the sauce. Yesterday i did a bit of blog reading and came across a gorgeous gift idea from and as easter is arriving fast this would be perfect for kids of all ages. So i might have to try and get my bum into gear and make a couple for some of my friends kids. Well ciao for now.

Mar 22, 2009

teecatobee giftware

We are all moving slowly here in the feral household as last night i had to work at the local speedway and the king of the ffs and i didn't get home until about 2am this morning. We have decided to volunteer our services this year and we get a good discount on our membership for doing it so i think its a good payoff.
The photo i have included today is some hand painted glasses a very talented friend of mine does, we share a table at the local craft markets and unfortuneately this photo doesn't do them justice but they are beautiful and she sells them at quite a good price too, as far as i am concerned anyway, and they make the best pressies. ff#3 hasn't been well since yesterday and i think she is just very tired and school has finally caught up with her so i think we could all have nana naps today.I am hoping to try and get a least one quilt pinned today but my enthusiasum is waning and i would like the quilting fairy to come and finish them off for me, but i don't think that will happen. well ciao for now and hopefully i will have more to say about stuff soon, i have actually worked out that as busy as i am i am a very boring person.

Mar 19, 2009

Let them eat cake

The ffs turn into hungry goblins after school so i made them Aunty Nancy's quick and easy chocolate cake to munch on, the one on the top is iced with choc icing and coconut and the one at the bottom is the lovely gooey velvety cake batter. I must say it is pretty good and the best part was i didn't have to share licking the bowl or the beaters. Yesterday i managed to get a bit more sewing done on my kaleidoscope quilt that we are doing at "Bitch & Stitch" (my quilting group) so not much more to go and then i can join the blocks together. Yahoo. I couldn't make it to last nights class as i had a school board meeting to go to so i am sure they talked about me while i was gone.The house is quiet again as ff#3 is at kindy again, i miss her until she comes home and then i wish she was back there. lol. well must get back to sewing and cleaning while the Peace and quiet is undisturbed. ciao for now.

Mar 17, 2009

The Hooties have Landed

Well the king of the feral fairies managed to work out how to get the photos downloaded without the usb, clever boy. And here they are !!!!. There is one missing, he went on a playdate the day we took photos and apparently had a good day at school with ff#1 .Today was very quiet at home as ff#3 went to kindy and i was a little lost, but managed to get a bit done which was fantastic, I did washing, sewing, baking and even watched a dvd for a change without the name MUM mentioned once it was bliss even if it was a bit freakily quiet. Dinner was made when the kids did their homework after school and now all i have to do is cook the pasta and dinner is done man. ff#3 is cranky and won't get in the shower so early night tonight for her me thinks. I must say this blogging thing is getting a bit easier to do to, must be getting cleverer me thinks, at least the kids won't have to teach me how to do this on the computer now. well i suppose i must go and finish dinner and eat because the ffs are getting more and more feral as the minutes tick by, so ciao for now.

Mar 16, 2009

Still No Photos

Well i am at a complete loss as to where the usb cable is for the camera, the king of the feral fairies still hasn't found it at work and i am unable to find it at home although the computer cupboard got a great cleanup today. The ffs are watching a fave cartoon so i have a few minutes peace, and i am Glad as ff#3 and i have been cleaning the house today and the kitchen got a bit of a loving hand today.I thought about pinning the back of my lap quilts today but put it in the to hard basket so i might do it tomorrow when ff#3 is at kindy and i have no one around to distract me. I got an email from a friend on the other side of oz the other day and she has not been feeling to well so if you read this Nanna Cheryl get well soon!!!!. nothing else to report so I'll sign off for now. ciao

Mar 15, 2009


I thought i would post a pic of my mermaids that i make, it is a pattern i thought up all by myself although that pattern has now been revised and i make them a bit differently. Still the same concept and size but a little bit easier to handle and make. I was going to post a pic of the hooties i made from a book called 50 quick and easy crafts, which has some fab craft ideas for pressies and gifts for yourself, but my dear hubby the King of the feral fairies can't find where he put it last and as i have previously said i am not that computer savvy and i don't know how to put the memory card straight into the usb port but i will have a go a bit later. We had a good night last night, we went to the schools St Patrick's Night and had a good time and today we are a bit slow in moving around and getting organized.The ffs are in the pool and at least leaving me alone for a while but tonight they will be going to bed early as the other night we went to the neighbours for a lamb on the spit and had a fab night with good friends and food and wine of course. Well i will so ciao for now and wish me luck in the photo war.

Mar 14, 2009

I'm getting there slowly

Well today is a brighter day on the computer front, i have been playing around in blogger and i am very slowly finding my way around. I was hoping to put up a photo of my hooties that i made. They are fabric owls and because i made one i had to make 3 more for the feral fairies, ff #2 actually took off with the one i made for myself and then the other 2 had to have one each so then i had to make another for me, but i can't complain they were fun and easy to make. But when i went to download the photos off the camera hubby remembered he had it at work so hopefully soon i will be able to post a photo and improve my skills in blogging. So for now you will have to put up with my ramblings. My good friend Cookie and i went for coffee this morning with no ffs and it was wonderful so i think that is why my day is going so well so far and as we are going out tonight it should hopefully stay that way. ciao

Mar 13, 2009

Well this is the second time today i have tried to set up my blog and i have to say that if anyone reads this ever they will know that i am not a very techonogical person and already i am thinking of giving it away as my stress levels are going through the roof, i thought i would give it a go cause i thought millions of people do it, it couldn't be too hard. well i was wrong and well i am not very patient and if you read this you will get to know just how impatient i am. But if this goes through and finally ends up as a post i will be gobsmaked and very happy.Well my brain is about to explode so i will sign off for now and try again tomorrow. ciao nat