The ffs turn into hungry goblins after school so i made them Aunty Nancy's quick and easy chocolate cake to munch on, the one on the top is iced with choc icing and coconut and the one at the bottom is the lovely gooey velvety cake batter. I must say it is pretty good and the best part was i didn't have to share licking the bowl or the beaters. Yesterday i managed to get a bit more sewing done on my kaleidoscope quilt that we are doing at "Bitch & Stitch" (my quilting group) so not much more to go and then i can join the blocks together. Yahoo. I couldn't make it to last nights class as i had a school board meeting to go to so i am sure they talked about me while i was gone.The house is quiet again as ff#3 is at kindy again, i miss her until she comes home and then i wish she was back there. lol. well must get back to sewing and cleaning while the Peace and quiet is undisturbed. ciao for now.
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