Mar 28, 2009

I Love Saturdays

Well today is saturday and my morning off. It was wonderful, I had coffee with Cookie and and then got the shopping done. The king of the ffs has gone to golf and we will get him after as they are having a bbq and we are going to stay, so that will be good not having to cook dinner. The ffs all 3 are watching a movie and not fighting for a change and the fairy house is peaceful. I might even get stuck into a new book i got out from the library. I got an email from nanna Cheryl today she hasn't been well and had to spend a few days in hospital, get better Cheryl. I am getting another child to look after tomorrow, my 16 year old cousin is gong to be staying with us for a week while her father goes into hospital, so i hope she behaves herself and doesn't cause me to much trouble.Nothing interseting has happened lately so nno news per say to speak of, but next week i hope things pick up a wee bit. well caio for now.

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