I thought i would post a pic of what we normally eat here in the feral fairy house on a sunday night. This is a ymmo fruit damper cooked in our wood fired pizza oven. If you have ever thought of buying one DO IT. We not only have damper, we have pizzas, roast meat and veg, bread and anything else we can think of to cook in our oven. Sunday's we normally have pizzas but tonight we are having roast beef. I have also cooked a herb,garlic and parmesan damper and it was better than garlic bread done in the normal oven.
This one we slathered in butter and golden syrup and all the ffs love it so it doesn't last very long.
Still haven't got around to finishing the english rose quilt, but there is always tomorrow. Today we went to my parents new house and moved around the new furniture they bought and the king of the ffs and i were a wee bit tired when we got home, so not much but movie watching has gone on this afternoon. We tend to be very unmotivated on sundays, but i suppose that is the way it should be, with work looming the next day. Well caio for now until the morrow.
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