This is a pic of FF#3 with her sweet face on, normally it is screwed up and giving me a mouthful of cheek. On Sunday we went to visit my parents and she got bitten by a mossie. Well she doesn't react well to mossie bites and hence her knee became a bit of a mess, so yesterday we put more antibiotics cream on the bite and she preceded to tell me that her leg was swallowed, she meant swollen but i laughed because the tone of her voice when she said it was hilarious. She then told everyone who would listen to her that her leg had been swallowed and we had to retell the tale of the swallowed leg. (sounds like a great Nancy Drew mystery to me). I must apologise to Lisa and Sarah of A spoonful of sugar to as the other day i put in their web address and i misspelled it, so sorry girls,if you want to visit their beautiful site just click on their name on my blog list. Thanks for the comment too, I was very excited to know that someone other than myself has read my ramblings, I hope i didn't bore you to much. Today i made some gorgeous passion fruit butter biscuits and they were delish. I would show you some pics but some very greedy goblins ate them all and only left the crumbs behind, so i will have to make some more and hide them. The extra Hooties that are living at our house will be leaving on Thursday to go to their new home at kindy and i can't wait as they have been very demanding,i even had to make a nest for them and they have been quiet since lunchtime and i hope they stay that way. So until the morrow i will say ciao for now.
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