Oh my Lord, has it really been 6 months since i last posted?
I am sure it was only yesterday. To say that life here has been busy, is extremely understating things.
I finished my TAFE course last week and hopefully i have passed. The ferals are still at school for another 10 days or so, then hopefully things will start to slow down.
With all the after school activities and work commitments and TAFE, not much has been sewn, cooked (except the have too meals) or crafted for quite a while now, i am still trying to get through the UFO's, without much success, but at least i have not started anything new.
And to make me feel even older feral #1 turned 11 yesterday and tomorrow feral #2 turns 9, where have the years gone and where have my babies gone, these 2 have turned into wilful, independent, beautiful young girls.I think i just got some more grey hairs just thinking about it.
Christmas is almost around the corner again, i am positive i just took down all the decorations last month and cleaned up the new years mess. But obviously 12 months has passed in the speed of light or sound (which ever is faster).
Well i thought I'd drop a few lines to let you know i am still in the land of the living (just) and when things get a wee bit quieter i will hopefully resume normal transmission and be a better blogger. And maybe just maybe even show you a finished craft or too.
So until then watch the sunset, have a glass of wine and enjoy life.
The antics of a house full of feral fairies with the king and queen no longer in charge of the palace !
Dec 1, 2011
Jul 30, 2011
YooHoo anybody home?
Well to say the last month has been hectic around here is an understatement. What with work and the Ferals and all the sewing and pinning and unpinning and unpicking of projects to say i haven't had much time to myself is quite accurate. Plus for the past 2 weeks i have also managed with a head cold.
These little aprons are for birthday presents for Feral no 3s friends.
A great way to use up some fabric remnants.
This lap size raggy quilt is for the King.
This baby quilt was made for a friend of mine to sell on her website.
Unfortunately this photo does not do it justice. All i have done on this is straight line quilting, and the effect has been amazing.
This past month the King and I also celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary, who knew we'd make it this far.Hopefully we have many more to come.
I am going to be finishing up some more UFOs next month now i have a new found love of quilting. so the first one i am going to finish is Twinset and Pearls that has been sitting here for about 4 years now and not getting any younger. I am also trying to be more economical in the fabric depo too, using up small fabric scraps to make stuff for homemade pressies.
Next week will be a huge week for me too, I am going back to school. I am going to start at TAFE next Thursday to do some study that will hopefully enable me to start my own business. So wish me luck. It has only been 21 years since the last time i was at school.
So until next time happy crafting and ciao.
Jun 2, 2011
Take a look at these Beauties.
As i have not been doing much in the sewing area, i thought you might like to take a look at some of the blogs that i like, that you may have not seen. (That are not in my side bar)
The domestic Diva http://www.thedomesticdiva.org/
Sew Take a Hike http://www.sewtakeahike.typepad.com/
Imagine-Dream-Create http://www.imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com/
Sew Useful Designs http://www.sewusefuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Amanda Brooke http://www.amandabrooke.typepad.com/
Crafty Cupboard http://www.craftycupboard.blogspot.com/
Oh Fransson http://www.ohfransson.com/
I hope you like reading them as much as i do.
The domestic Diva http://www.thedomesticdiva.org/
Sew Take a Hike http://www.sewtakeahike.typepad.com/
Imagine-Dream-Create http://www.imagine-dream-create.blogspot.com/
Sew Useful Designs http://www.sewusefuldesigns.blogspot.com/
Amanda Brooke http://www.amandabrooke.typepad.com/
Crafty Cupboard http://www.craftycupboard.blogspot.com/
Oh Fransson http://www.ohfransson.com/
I hope you like reading them as much as i do.
May 30, 2011
Lazy Days
We have been away, on a road trip and this is a few of the things we saw;
St Barbara's mine site in Gwalia a few kms away from Leonora, right next door to the Hoover Museum.
Ferals # 2 & 3 with the replica of the Golden Eagle nugget at the W.A. Museum in Kalgoorlie.
A gold nugget in the W.A. Museum Kalgoorlie. Wished it was mine.
One of the many beautiful sunsets along the way.
A gorgeous show off at Rainbow Jungle Bird Park in Kalbarri.
some Scaly Breasted Rosella's having Breakfast.
So needless to say no sewing has been done.
This was the first holiday the Feral family has had in 3 years (where we have gone further than a 3 hour drive away) and we absolutely loved every minute of it. The ferals were well behaved, the King behaved too.Now we are planning next years trip and we hope to do the same but go further south to Esperance. We started in Mt Magnet and traveled the gold trail east, until we reached Kalgoorlie and then through the wheatbelt and home again, visiting all the little museums and out of the way places and learnt a lot about the hardships of our forebears and all about the goldrush days of the Victorian era in Western Australia.
These are the sorts of trips everyone should do in my opinion and I believe my kids learnt more about their state and it's history than they have in the classroom.
Well until next time Ciao.
Apr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Everyone.
Liddel Stitches wishes everyone a safe and hoppy Easter.
The palace has been extremely busy the last couple of weeks unfortunately no crafting, sewing or cooking has been going on but the House has been painted and is wonderfully bright, and we are in anticipation of a road trip coming up. The ferals, King and myself are going on holidays and we can't wait. Plus the ferals think it's extra cool because they get an extra week off school. We are going the inland route to Kalgoorlie and going to visit mines and museums along the way and possibly do some prospecting, wouldn't it be lovely to find a huge nugget of gold along the roadside somewhere. The ferals are going to keep journals of their trip to show to their classes when they get back to school, and i am going to be the official photographer (will probably be very blurry, or have no heads).
Although yesterday i did sew a small camera bag for my camera and another pouch for #1 ferals point and shoot camera and they turned out quite well but as usual i forgot to take a photo, so i will try and get one done to put on here, my camera bag is just a small tote that i adapted to fit my camera and the manual. I am very pleased with how it turned out. i used a tutorial from super eggplant that i have used many times for totes for kids birthday presents. Although i would love one that i saw on Etsy as they are to die for.
anyhoo have a great Easter and don't eat too much chocolate. ciao.
Apr 10, 2011
Well call me Miss Tardy!
I have been absent for a while and it shows i suppose, i have been a busy girl lately, and i mean BIZZZZZY.
I decided that i was sick and tired of all the clutter in our house and have therefore been decluttering. It all started out in the kitchen with a few things that were taking up valuable cupboard space and i thought i would get rid of them as they hadn't been used in a million years (well at least 12 months). But the urge to purge didn't stop there and i must say i got a wee bit carried away and eventually nearly the whole house has been purged of it's wickedness and gluttony. What stared out as a small pile of junk manifested itself into a huge monster taking over nearly a quarter of my dining room. I was going to take photos but i must say i was ashamed that i had that much stuff that i was hording so that is why there is no photo. As i was cleaning though i noticed that the walls in my house had been a little worse for wear and a little abused after 3 feral princesses have been growing up here that i thought they should be painted. NOT by me mind you. this little black duck learnt her lesson last year. I rang a handyman and he quoted and i said yes, and the rest as they say is history, hopefully it will all be over this week and my palace will look clean and fresh and almost new.
The rest of the junk was taken to the school as part of a fundraising effort (car boot sale) and i made a little spending money (to pay some bills of course). The rest will be sold on the weekend in a garage sale just to try and get rid of the stuff that i had to bring home with me.
But it feels wonderful to be freer of the mess that was habitually making my life uncomfortable.
It feels as though i have been spring cleaning though and we are in Autumn does that mean i should move to the northern hemisphere.
Because of all the cleaning that has been going on not much sewing has but i have managed to pin and baste another UFO ready to be quilted.
Well that's all for now in the dreary life of Liddel Stitches so happy crafting and ciao for now.
I decided that i was sick and tired of all the clutter in our house and have therefore been decluttering. It all started out in the kitchen with a few things that were taking up valuable cupboard space and i thought i would get rid of them as they hadn't been used in a million years (well at least 12 months). But the urge to purge didn't stop there and i must say i got a wee bit carried away and eventually nearly the whole house has been purged of it's wickedness and gluttony. What stared out as a small pile of junk manifested itself into a huge monster taking over nearly a quarter of my dining room. I was going to take photos but i must say i was ashamed that i had that much stuff that i was hording so that is why there is no photo. As i was cleaning though i noticed that the walls in my house had been a little worse for wear and a little abused after 3 feral princesses have been growing up here that i thought they should be painted. NOT by me mind you. this little black duck learnt her lesson last year. I rang a handyman and he quoted and i said yes, and the rest as they say is history, hopefully it will all be over this week and my palace will look clean and fresh and almost new.
The rest of the junk was taken to the school as part of a fundraising effort (car boot sale) and i made a little spending money (to pay some bills of course). The rest will be sold on the weekend in a garage sale just to try and get rid of the stuff that i had to bring home with me.
But it feels wonderful to be freer of the mess that was habitually making my life uncomfortable.
It feels as though i have been spring cleaning though and we are in Autumn does that mean i should move to the northern hemisphere.
Because of all the cleaning that has been going on not much sewing has but i have managed to pin and baste another UFO ready to be quilted.
Well that's all for now in the dreary life of Liddel Stitches so happy crafting and ciao for now.
Mar 11, 2011
Oh Happy Day !
So until next we meet ciao.
Feb 23, 2011
Here We Go Again
Come on sing it with me, Here we go again (to the tune of Dolly Parton). We are again on flood watch and cyclone watch. How much more water can our little town take. Hopefully not to much more. My cousin is living in Exmouth and is currently getting the force of Tropical Cyclone Carlos that started in Darwin and has continued down into the W.A. coast, hopefully it doesn't drop to much water or we will be in a wee bit of trouble again.You see the Lyons River flows into our catchment area and as we are already on flood watch it will be a waiting game to see how we fair, we certainly don't need another flood as we have already suffered 3 in 2 months.
But on a brighter note i did manage to do some sewing and try to finish a UFO but on a sourer note i think i completely stuffed it up as it has puckered as i quilted it and now i have to do a lot of unpicking, hence no photo of the quilt in question.
I think it might be time for me to say ciao and be safe.
Please also say a prayer or 2 for the families that have lost love ones in the Christchurch earthquake disaster.
But on a brighter note i did manage to do some sewing and try to finish a UFO but on a sourer note i think i completely stuffed it up as it has puckered as i quilted it and now i have to do a lot of unpicking, hence no photo of the quilt in question.
I think it might be time for me to say ciao and be safe.
Please also say a prayer or 2 for the families that have lost love ones in the Christchurch earthquake disaster.
Feb 1, 2011
The bag Lady rides again.
Yes it is i, and twice in one week too. Just thought i would show you a picture of what i have accomplished in the past couple of days.
Yes another bag. My cousins little girl is starting Kindy this week and is also dinosaur mad, so i bought some of this gorgeous fabric and made her a bag and a crayon roll to go with it to celebrate her going to school. I hope she likes it. Today i also made some ginger biscuits for the ferals to take to school in their school lunches as tomorrow they leave the nest again and venture forth into their academic fields of Years 1, 3 and 5. And to celebrate our freedom all the mums are going to go for coffee.I must say i am looking forward to them going back to school but not looking forward to getting out of bed earlier as i have enjoyed my sleep ins. Anyhoo thats all to report at this particular time so until next time, ciao.
Yes another bag. My cousins little girl is starting Kindy this week and is also dinosaur mad, so i bought some of this gorgeous fabric and made her a bag and a crayon roll to go with it to celebrate her going to school. I hope she likes it. Today i also made some ginger biscuits for the ferals to take to school in their school lunches as tomorrow they leave the nest again and venture forth into their academic fields of Years 1, 3 and 5. And to celebrate our freedom all the mums are going to go for coffee.I must say i am looking forward to them going back to school but not looking forward to getting out of bed earlier as i have enjoyed my sleep ins. Anyhoo thats all to report at this particular time so until next time, ciao.
Jan 29, 2011
Hotter than a pepper sprout!
Well Hi ho from here,
At the moment we have been having some serious weather, its stinking hot and humid, stormy and cyclonic, all we need now is another flood and we are set to go with the windfall of all freakish weather catastrophes.
Aside from all that the kids go back to school next week and i am so looking forward to it. The poor kids have not been able to get out of the house because of the heat and have therefore been very feral, hence their nicknames. 7 weeks have not gone as fast as i thought they would but in the same respect they have also flown by.
This past week i have been one very busy person aside from the labeling of school stuff, working and general mum stuff, i have also been sewing.
Pick your mouths of the floor yes you heard me correctly, i have been sewing and cleaning up the sewing room at the same time.This is what i have made this week.
I made them as presents and 4 of them are bags, one is a pouch and the the pink ones in the middle are mugsters for a friend who celebrated her birthday at the beginning of the month and i have only just finished them. The small bags are from a free tutorial over at ps i quilt and it is the friendship bag, i thought that as the ferals are going back to school and i am pretty sure they will be invited to some birthday parties this year that they would make excellent pressies stuffed with little girl goodies.( thought I'd make a head start). These are also great to use up scraps from your scrap basket. In the spirit of reuse,recycle the large bag i have at the back was a couple of pillow cases that i made about 2 years ago and as they didn't turn out the way i would have liked them too they have sat in a draw, so to clean up and instead of throwing them out i unpicked them and quilted them into a large tote bag. In the afternoons the ferals have been swimming in the pool and i have been winding floss onto plastic card a job that should have been done when i bought the floss 3 years ago, so hot weather can make you productive it just takes a nudge to start. I have been wanting to start pinning quilts to finish them off but the ferals are very messy and i am not doing the floors until they go back to school so hopefully next week the quilts will come out.
So until the next time we meet ciao.
At the moment we have been having some serious weather, its stinking hot and humid, stormy and cyclonic, all we need now is another flood and we are set to go with the windfall of all freakish weather catastrophes.
Aside from all that the kids go back to school next week and i am so looking forward to it. The poor kids have not been able to get out of the house because of the heat and have therefore been very feral, hence their nicknames. 7 weeks have not gone as fast as i thought they would but in the same respect they have also flown by.
This past week i have been one very busy person aside from the labeling of school stuff, working and general mum stuff, i have also been sewing.
Pick your mouths of the floor yes you heard me correctly, i have been sewing and cleaning up the sewing room at the same time.This is what i have made this week.
I made them as presents and 4 of them are bags, one is a pouch and the the pink ones in the middle are mugsters for a friend who celebrated her birthday at the beginning of the month and i have only just finished them. The small bags are from a free tutorial over at ps i quilt and it is the friendship bag, i thought that as the ferals are going back to school and i am pretty sure they will be invited to some birthday parties this year that they would make excellent pressies stuffed with little girl goodies.( thought I'd make a head start). These are also great to use up scraps from your scrap basket. In the spirit of reuse,recycle the large bag i have at the back was a couple of pillow cases that i made about 2 years ago and as they didn't turn out the way i would have liked them too they have sat in a draw, so to clean up and instead of throwing them out i unpicked them and quilted them into a large tote bag. In the afternoons the ferals have been swimming in the pool and i have been winding floss onto plastic card a job that should have been done when i bought the floss 3 years ago, so hot weather can make you productive it just takes a nudge to start. I have been wanting to start pinning quilts to finish them off but the ferals are very messy and i am not doing the floors until they go back to school so hopefully next week the quilts will come out.
So until the next time we meet ciao.
Jan 5, 2011
Flooded AGAIN !!!!
We are currently in FLOOD DANGER again for the 2nd time in two weeks. Our town of Carnarvon in Western Australia is in for another river breaking it's banks and the water levels rising . We here in the town are not duly affected but friends that live around the river area are, and they may be cut off from town for a few days. The town itself has been closed down for min 48 hours and then we will have to see. Hopefully this one is not as bad as the previous one and we can only hope that not to much more rain has fallen in our catchment areas. So on that note i will leave you with a photos of the flood from a couple of weeks ago.
Jan 4, 2011
My Patience is wearing THIN.
Well hello and welcome to the new year, unfortunately i have not turned over a new leaf. I am still the same cranky pants, cursing, irritable person i was last year and i probably wont be changing in the near future that i can see. All this is exacerbated by the fact the kids are on school holidays, have swimming lessons and we are about to be hit with another flood, that would be 2 in less than a month, 2 in two weeks more like it.
The weather is also a contributing factor, we may only have 34 degrees Celsius but the humidity is about 87%. Not my cup of tea.
I have also cleaned my sewing room, written a list of UFOs and new projects i would like to start this year, and already i am depressed.
The last couple of days i have been browsing new blogs that have taken my interest and i don't know if i want to sew anymore, these people are very talented i might just buy stuff instead.
Any hoo enough dribble from me, but thought i would put a few pics up of the little bit of water that fell around our house on Sunday and caused a wee backyard flood.
Our backyard with the water spreading quickly,
Our street.The king is standing in ankle deep water.
The water at our backdoor with a feral looking out.
The weather is also a contributing factor, we may only have 34 degrees Celsius but the humidity is about 87%. Not my cup of tea.
I have also cleaned my sewing room, written a list of UFOs and new projects i would like to start this year, and already i am depressed.
The last couple of days i have been browsing new blogs that have taken my interest and i don't know if i want to sew anymore, these people are very talented i might just buy stuff instead.
Any hoo enough dribble from me, but thought i would put a few pics up of the little bit of water that fell around our house on Sunday and caused a wee backyard flood.
Our backyard with the water spreading quickly,
Our street.The king is standing in ankle deep water.
The water at our backdoor with a feral looking out.
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