Well here is the pic of the tote i made yesterday and i must say it looks good. Today has been a bit of a down day as i have accomplished diddly squat and tonight i will have to make up for it. I had to go the the bone cruncher (chiro) and have my ribs and neck done and at least i feel a bit better. Thanks Brett i know you love to inflict pain on me and then take my money for it too .lol. Still haven't got the gas sorted out since last night and looks as though dinner will be reheated leftovers, not that the kids will care as it's my mums scicillian spaghetti and old family recipe. And the fact that i still haven't been to the supermarket and bought anything to eat, that will be tomorrows job, when all the ffs are at school and i can shop in peace.
I have found a bloggers paradise too, the other day at work i was browseing the net,( it's ok, it's my parents business and i do some love jobs for them every now and then so i won't get into any trouble.) I have loved the quilting gallery site for ages and then cause i hadn't been there for a while i noticed it had changed a little and they have their very own blog network so you don't have to jump over the net looking for quilt blogs they are all on the one site, and i thought that was way cool. People from all over the world are there and all you have to do is click on the country and browse away.
Very nice people i am impressed as i am not computer savvy it saves me time and most of all effort in looking for new blogs to read as i am now very addicted to reading crafty blogs. Well thats all for now so caio and happy days.