Jul 26, 2009

I Have A Dream !!

I have discovered Margaritas, and i love them. Easy to make , easy to drink and they make you feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside so they can't be all bad. I have been thinking lately that i would love to own a fabric store, the feel and look of all those beautiful fabrics being held in my hands also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy too. But unless i win the lottery it will still be a pipe dream for many a year to come. Yesterday i had market day again and i had an alright day, but alas poor Ulrich i think my market days may be coming to an end. The time and effort spent making and sewing is not being reflected in my sales and thus Liddel Stitches may not exist for much longer. Although i don't know if any of you have heard of Ollie Rose on Etsy or any where else but the gorgeous Kobie had a stall at the markets on Saturday and her kids stuff are the most beautiful clothes and toys i have ever seen, so look up her web site and take a gander for yourself, because you will covet these items as much as i will i am sure of it. I will be coming up to 50 posts soon and i am not sure how many people have or do read my blog but i am thinking a 50 post giveaway might be on the cards, so if you do read my blog let me know what you think!. I must think of an idea or if you have one let me know. anyhoo i have warbled on for long enough so until next we meet. Ciao.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, these days a sip of an alcoholic anything has me coming over all warm, fuzzy and downright undignified.
