Jan 20, 2010

The Griswolds Camping Trip

Well for the last few days the Ferals (my Family) have been out of town enjoying a wee bit of R & R and we went camping up to a place on our coast line called the blowholes. It's pretty much where the desert meets the sea and is a fabulous place to unwind. But the weather was awful. It was stinking hot and the flies were our best friends but it was nice to get away all the same. 3 days was enough for me though and it is nice to be home with all my creature comforts. I did take some photos for your enjoyment so enjoy.

This is the Feral Family in front of the HMAS Sydney Memorial Cairn at Quobba Station just north of Carnarvon. The HMAS Sydney was in a naval battle with HSK Komoran a german navy ship during WWII and sadly there were no survivors from the Sydney but some of the surviving Komoran saliors were washed ashore at this point of the Western Australian coastline and taken as prisoners of war by the locals, and therefore to commemorate the heros of the Sydney a cairn was erected in their honour. The final resting place of the HMAS Sydney is south of Carnarvon near Shark Bay and was only discovered last year after a 50 year search.

This is Feral Fairy #2 she asked her father to dig a hole and bury her in it and give her a pair of boobies.

This is FF #3 and as she was not to be outdone asked for the same thing as FF #2.

DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER  WARNING the next photo is of a dead animal

This cat here may look like it is a cute little thing but it is actually a pest in these parts and this feral cat is not  tiny, in the flesh it was about the size of a small dog, think along the lines of a small Border Collie.When these animals get loose and start to live in the wild they threaten the native wildlife species of our country and many have become near to extinction because of feral cats, so do not feel sorry that it's life was ended, it's death may have stopped a native animal from being eaten. It was one of two cats seen around our camp site over a two day time frame and the other one was even bigger.
The only thing wrong with our little sojourn was i have no photos of any crayfish (Lobster) to show you because the the old boy, ( sorry the King ) wasn't able to catch any, but there's always next weekend.
Ciao xx

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