Oct 18, 2009

BOO !!!

Here in Australia we don't celebrate Halloween as many others do in the northern hemisphere, but as we have a few kids in our area that do come trick or treating i have decided to have a little tribute to this day. I whipped this little wall hanging up with some fantastic spiderweb fabric and a wee bit of vleisofix, it's not much but a fun thing to do in front of the tv at night, and as i haven't done much sewing in the past couple of weeks this is about all i have been able to manage, (me thinks me Mojo gone). The ferals like it although FF#3 did ak why it couldn't be a fairy. I must say though lately as i have surf the world of blogland i have come across some amazing women who are fabulously creative, generous of their time and their creations in the way of tutorials and instructions and to all you woman i salute you and wish more good ideas so that the less fortunate ( in the idea and creativity department) of us can continue to love and learn to make handmade things to enrich our hands and our loved ones hearts. On that note all that is left to say is ciao.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to do a wall hanging - the spider web fabric is really effective! We usually get about 30 kids or so past trick or treating each year - I had better stock up on some lollies for tomorrow night! Happy Halloween to you!
