Yesterday i was going to make bread with the kids and thought I'd be smart and take a short cut. Well it backfired on me and it turned out more like a pizza dough instead, so what to do? I added Vegemite and cheese and we have cheesy mite scrolls instead and the kids loved them. I had one for lunch today and they were not half bad. Today i made homemade sausage rolls with tomato, basil and onion and they are for dinner tonight with mashed spuds and fresh green beans, and for dessert we are having melt and mix chocolate cake out of a Donna hay cookbook and i must say the smell coming from my oven is torturing me it smells divine. Still no sewing but hopefully tomorrow will bring a new lease of life and i may feel like it. The kids should be going out with the in-laws and i will have the house to myself, which will make it easier to sew and get stuck into a few things. Well that's all to report so ciao for now.
Mine can't get enough scrolls in their lives either!