This is a pic of the lap quilt i have been trying to get finished for tomorrows markets and i finally got it done last night after burning the midnight oil, I have called it rose and ladders and i am quite pleased with the way it has turned out. It only has basic quilting on it but i couldn't be choosy if i wanted it finished. My Liddel Stitches labels arrived in today's mail and they are wicked if i do say so myself, so thanks again Lisa they are great don't ya think? I do. And I have already started using them, if the Feral Fairies sit still long enough they will end up with a label too, lol. I can't wait for tomorrow as our local craft markets start up again after a few months break and hopefully i will sell some things and make a little money. to buy more stash fabric would be good. Well the king of the ferals has gone and left me for a week with the feral fairies while he has his down time on the boys annual fishing trip, all i want to know is when do i get my down time without the kids?.

Well not much else to say except have fun all you mums on mothers day on Sunday and i hope you all get lots of nice pressies, I plan on having a wee sleep in (maybe). Ciao for now and be good and if not be good at it.
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